
nedelja, 28. december 2014

Zgradite svoj SFI posel. Kaj si želite v svojem življenju, v življenju vaše družine od danes pa do pet let. Dejstvo, da ste se pridružili SFI je prva največja odločitev, da si izboljšate svoje življenje. Kako daleč boste šli in kako boste uspešni je vse odvisno od vas, saj je to vaše podjetje. Prijavite se v svoj SFI in si poglejte na seznam opravkov. Postavljajte vprašanja in čarovnija se prične. Ko boste dosegli nivo EA vsak mesec pa se bo pričelo....Svojo srečo imate v svojih rokah. Tega se zavedajte. Vpis je brezplačen. In lahko izstopite kadarkoli želite. Vendar vam povem, da se s vztrajnim delom in radovednostjo pride do cilja. Zavedati se morate, da je potrebno delati in uživati obenem. PRIČNIMO!

Moje slike za ta zimski dan!

ponedeljek, 8. december 2014 This Gateway features listings of our latest enrollments and earners and brief info on TripleClicks, as well as a built-in registration form so everything is all in one nice, compact page.

Starting in SFI By Gery Carson (Demo)

SFI Affiliate Marketing Group Basics Nº3 Maximize your Income with Spons...

My sponzor have a side and there is very best news

SFI Affiliate Marketing Group Basics Nº1 Start Earning Money by Accumula...

sreda, 3. december 2014

Life Shift: Let Go and Live Your Dream In an effort to fully compete in a man's world, contemporary women have become alpha females. We rely on masculine traits--the testosterone energies of action, focus, determination, and self-reliance--to create success and achieve our goals. We are now coming to realize that while we have mastered these means for pursuing our dreams, we have neglected the equally valuable and complementary energies of magnetism, receptivity, and intuition--the Magnetic Female. In "Life Shift," Aleta presents her techniques for breaking through our emotional blocks and allowing our Magnetic Female and alpha energies to interact and harmonize with each other. She teaches skills that open the doors to a powerful co-creative relationship between these two forces within us and guides us to use these tools to identify our desires, engage our dreams, and realize our destinies.
Patience, persistence, and a positive focus are three qualities which I believe are an essential part of success in SFI. SFI, like any business, takes time and hard work in order to reap the benefits. Success is the result of staying positively focused on what you can do to grow your business. It also involves following through with the necessary actions to advance your business. It is important to recognize that growth and subsequent success in SFI occurs for those individuals who are willing to invest both time and money into their business. It is important to persevere and to utilize set backs to learn and to propel your business forward. Simply put, you have to show up to work everyday and put in the time and effort to succeed. Your business can't and won't grow if you are not taking positive action on a regular basis.

ponedeljek, 24. november 2014 WAVE3 (W3).

Bargain Junkie je knjiga idej! WAVE3 (W3).
Banner # 9 | Velikost: 240x400 slike © 2011 Carson Services, Inc.

Izredno delo in dober rezultat! Če si vztrajen pa dobiš tudi plačilo!
Banner # 1 | Velikost: 250x250 slike © 2011 Carson Services, Inc.
Danes praznujem, saj sem dobila svojo prvo plačo pri  SFI. Moja vztrajnost je poplačana in sem zadovoljna, kajti vidim s tem tudi možnost, da dobim nekaj, kar sem si želela. Delo je zanimivo in uživam v tem. Spoznavanje vedno nove in nove informacije in še uživanje ob tem, ko spoznavaš nove ljudi in se z njimi pogovarjaš in vsak je pripravljen pomagati, kar danes ne srečaš več v "službah". Vsak je ljubosumen na svoje delo in ni pripravljen stopiti k tebi in ti pokazati , da bi bil tudi ti uspešen pri tem.

Kdor si želi uživati, naj se vpiše na to stran in prične delati. Stala vam bom ob strani in vam pomagala vsak dan, da boste tudi v v nekaj mesecih ugotovili, da ste se odločili za pravo delo. Biti sam svoj direktor in delati zase in za svojo dušo. Čudovito je!

povežite se tudi s stranjo mojega sponzorja, kjer vam bo kmalu jasneje o čem govorim

nedelja, 23. november 2014