ponedeljek, 25. maj 2015
Recently a friend on the internet shared this very interesting and fascinating article about personality types. This relates to a very common question here in the Forum about why do some people succeed while others never do?
According to the Greek physician and philosopher, Hippocrates, there are four basic personality types, and later Dr Carl Jung wrote a book about the Four Basic Personality Types: Feeler, Sensor, Thinker, Intuitive.
Florence Littauer later renamed them as Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Melancholy and Choleric.
I have read Florence Littauer’s book on personality types and when I was still working at the bank. I used to observe my workmates and had fun guessing their personality types. If I had known about personality colours then, all I would have seen were REDS!
In SFI it will be easy to tell the personality types of the people who come to our team using colours by their activities right from the start.
Let’s colour our way to the top!
They make up 35% of the population- they are the nurses, schoolteachers, charity workers – the Nurturers, they give from the heart. They don’t have time for themselves because they give to everybody.
YELLOWS don’t want to be sold, they don’t like pushy, aggressive salespeople. When you talk to YELLOW, become a YELLOW, slow the pace, contain your excitement, lower the volume. Yellows see excitement as hype. Don’t tell a YELLOW about making $10k a month because they’ll turn right off. Instead, skip the business, talk about their family, their kids, their vacation.
YELLOWS cannot work in stair- step breakaway-type compensation plans, they have to be in a plan where you can put people under people and people under people. They’re best in any kind of “infinity” plan that pays them to work deep, deep, deep.
They just want to have fun. They’re 15% of the population, always in sales business of some kind. They jump from one program to program to program looking for fun. They're the most creative people. A BLUE sees the big picture instantly, they don’t need or want all the details. BLUES can eat an elephant, but not at one meal.
They’re the same as YELLOW as far as the comp. plan goes. They can go deep to create massive spillover and a lot of stuff happening quickly for them. That gets them excited, and they’ll stay in the business. With a BLUE talk excited, get excited. They’ll talk about vacations and family, but most of all they want to talk about fun things to do.
They’re analytical, miss millions of dollars in opportunities because they analysed it tooo long. They can take BLUES ideas to the next level, work well in complicated comp. plan, they like to figure out the super size bonus that’s paid out on the 3rd, 9th or 12th levels every other full moon.
They believe they’re the smartest people on earth, they all want the details. You are not going to sell them, they have to sell themselves, they’ll go to the website, listen to conference call, then they’ll go to the next site and the next link, if you have 30 links they’ll go to every one, read all the testimonials, all the articles, etc. GREENS want to feed a BLUE the elephant in one meal and that’s the way the GREENS will build the business.
They are 15% of the population. They are money-motivated, money-focused. Don’t bother talking to them about your family or your vacation, they don’t care. They know if you get married, you’re supposed to have kids, if you have kids you’re supposed to go on vacation. End of story. Don’t want to talk about it. They want to talk about money, money, money. Or sing it like ABBA.
REDS do well in stair -step breakaway comp. plan because they think network marketing is a sales business. For them it’s sell, sell, sell. In a stair- step program they can put 5 people on their frontline. If only one produces they never go back and put somebody underneath them. They’re just looking for producers, somebody who will build, build, build.
REDS are the corporate CEO, the ‘get the job done people’, the ones everyone in network marketing is looking for. But they’re absolutely uncoachable, the biggest ego, they order people around. But REDS are well-connected. You want to sponsor REDS because they’ll put you in contact with powerful people. So target REDS, but don’t think you’re going to coach them or mentor them or tell them what to do. Let them do it themselves, you really have no choice.
People who are massively successful in a stair-step breakaway comp. plan are the REDs, the salespeople. But with that type plan, retention is very low.
With YELLOWS, if they get 100 people in the business, they’ll teach and mentor, work down deep in the organisation and may still have 60 or 70 active after a year.
So everyone is a blend of colours. Showing different personality traits at different times.
When GREENS join, they never quit.They’re not like the BLUES. You can put BLUES in the business tonight but they’ll never do anything, never even activate their business, they’ll just join because they thought it will be fun but they will put you in contact with a lot of good people.
YELLOWS and GREENS are so good at MLM and they make up 70% of the population.and the REDS have been telling everybody the whole time that it’s a sales business. sell, sell, sell! Sound familiar?
When you listen to people and truly understand their personality you have the ability to help inspire them to greatness. And the rewards for you are way more than just financial.
nedelja, 10. maj 2015
nedelja, 3. maj 2015
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"I have been involved in network marketing for over 20 years. I've never seen anything like SFI. If I previously known only about SFI, I would not be wasting my time. Now I'm spreading the word around the world that there is nothing anywhere that can come close to SFI. "R. Belmonte, AB, Canada
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"I've had good experiences with various online companies, but SFI is much better, with good products. I love SFI. I have already received two checks and can not wait to get to the third. I recommend everyone join SFI for financial and time freedom. Thank you SFI!" S. AzeemAhmed Saudi Arabia
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"This transaction is a joy! I'm paid to play on the Internet and help others to do the same! Now I got new revenue streams and this is very cool! I do not know how to thank you, SFI!" D. TiradoMI, USA
"I've been involved in online marketing for almost three years and I have never seen such a well run and honest company that allows me to be easily managed. Thanks a million!" M. DelleChiaie ME, United States
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"I just started SFI, and I could not believe my eyes. This week I had almost 60 people to log in and generated five sales. Just log on to SFI. It is best [option] I saw on the Internet." J. Pelt GERMANY
"SFI is the ultimate home based business. In the nine months that I have been involved with SFI, not only do I earn residual income, but I also expanded its knowledge base by leaps and bounds. Training and companionship is open! PS Let me send these e-mails Commission; really make my day! "T. Grote WA, USA
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"SFI is the most profitable opportunity in life. In just a few days, I have seen returns. I am fast approaching the objectives that we literally taking years to complete." R. Bryant MI, USA
"These guys are me into a true believer, and this is not an easy task! I am very excited and look forward to a long and successful partnership with SFI." D. Legere AB, Canada
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"I joined SFI September! This is the most established commercial I've ever been involved with. I am fully committed to SFI! For anyone who wants to e-commerce at home, this is the number 1 opportunity to work with! Great assistance benefits and I mention, FREE! "S. Whitlock VA, USA
"I must admit that I was skeptical at the beginning, but now I discovered the power of GIS system. This company has the goods. I'm on my way to becoming my new SFI business on a full-time business. Don 't miss the boat people!" W. Douglas VA, USA
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"No other company is comparable with the SFI. It is easy to implement and affordable. They have the resources and products needed to build highly profitable home based business." L. Hathorn OK, USA
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"SFI ROCKS !! I just started and got a view on the SFI website and was surprised. SFI by rule !!!" K. AllynTX, USA
"Gery Carson [SFI founder] is the best in its field, which I have ever seen. I do not give a second thought about signing-up for SFI. The program does everything it promises and more." A. Hinkley MI, USA
"I have been in network marketing for a very long time, and I thought I saw everything. SFI is the most amazing and the absolute best system I've ever seen to become financially free while helping others to do the same" M. Drummer CO, USA
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"I had watched SFI for quite some time. My only regret is that I did not jump into this program much sooner! I highly suggest if you are looking to join a highly reputable company, SFI is the one to deal with in the long run. "M. Shaw NV, USA
"This is by far, has to be the best internet business online to date. This is certainly not a couple." R. Collins NJ, USA
"I'm not the type of person that belong to each get rich quick scheme that comes your way. I take the time and research on oranization before rushing to do something. I was extremely impressed by the SFI and even more excited about the opportunities that are presented. For once I found a worthy organization that is going to help me achieve your goals and have a future, I dreamed possible. "D.Romero TX, USA
"Being badly burned in the past, I researched SFI very carefully. I have reviewed quite thoroughly, looking for anything that would give me permission to call it" just another program. "What I found is the affiliate program the most put-together I've ever seen. No program is perfect, but this is damn close." B. Barner MO, USA
"Having been around the industry many years, I can see the SFI, which I have not seen in most other occasions ... I am now the owner of the company that reaches every corner of the world." Fortune Builders Network BC, Canada
"I am constantly amazed at the power of SFI. It's really exciting and the best part is that it is free to sign up. I've been in other programs and lose money in most of them. Now I'm devoting all my ability for this outstanding program . "R. Wright MI, USA
"I tried a lot of different programs and opportunities, I was almost convinced that nothing will work. I am so happy to have finally found something that really works." C. Warman AZ, USA
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